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Hi, I’m Karina


Hi, I’m Karina


I inspire radical change, improve lives and build wellness ambassadors, with my knowledge of fitness, nutrition and equipped with shouts, smiles and a little pep in the step.

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When life gives you lemons

Lemoncrystals grapples a challenge like a bull by its horns. The Lemon-state-of-mind inspires success in the struggle and creativity in adversity. This outlook improves all tiers of life using valuable tools cultivated through movement and nourishment.




 Some Backstory

Through humble beginnings and fond farewells, fitness and food have been pivotal to my self-discovery. Prior to my bigger endeavors in fitness, I started my journey striving for nothing more than good looks and a "get-thin-quick" kind of attitude.

Little did I know I would find a committed lifestyle in functional training and flexible plant-based eating.

As a child, I was always "the tomboy", playing with the boys at school and practicing my athleticism at my local Boys and Girls Club until the very moment my mom came to pick me up. There wasn't a day during my childhood I didn't play actively; running or sporting. Often I reflect on my childhood as "me" in my most pure and honest form. It was as though I already had a sense of who I was before I had the sense to understand it.

Over the years that part of me was overshadowed by self-doubt- you know, puberty things.

Every brave idea I mustered was followed by the worry of “But what if I'm not good enough?”

Fear hindered just about every component of my life – anything from eating and making decisions to my work ethic. Fear drove me to say my farewells to fitness (assuming it was the final goodbye).

In my early 20s I recognized that I had hit a low in my health; I knew something had to change. I needed to stop giving power to fear. So I bought my first pair of runners and simply got moving – I haven’t stopped since. Using discipline and careful preparation as my guides; I started to use my nutrition to fuel the best version of myself.

Somewhere in the mix of it all, that child came back. All it took was to get started, get her running, set her free on the playground and before I knew it, my perspective had shifted. Don’t get me wrong, it was not a straight shot to success– there were wins as well as losses. There were late nights forearm-deep in a Doritos bag; there were sloppy 2 a.m.'s with forkfuls of poutine; there were bottomless breadsticks and anxious thoughts. Time and time again I failed and struggled. My intentions were always focused on moving forward.

"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”

I found what environments, activities, friends, and mindset I needed to shape me. Whether I was successful or not, I constantly welcomed new challenges, and strived to achieve more. Opportunities I never imagined began to appear. If I had kept myself closed to possibilities, I would never have found Powerlifting, Crossfit, Strongman, Distance Running, or Rugby. I would have never explored veganism, intermittent fasting, carb-loading, fat-loading, and cleanses.

My eyes had been opened up to a whole new world. I learned more about dedication, empathy, integrity, teamwork, patience, persistence and respect than I ever would in any other setting in my life.

The people I met along the way inspired me to be my best self and help others do the same.

Fast forward to today, and I can confidently say I'm grateful to have had fitness and fuel guide me back to the truest version of myself. They have sparked my passion to help others discover the same. As a Full-Time Personal & Group trainer I am involved with programs that hit close to home and truly resonate with me: Youth Fitness with the North Vancouver School District, Programs for Girls and Alternative Schools, Coaching Fitness to Future Firefighters, Tire Flipping Fundraisers, and outdoor fitness events in the community.

Through the trials and tribulations of becoming better, there is an authentic charm that invites us to connect person-to-person.

Movement and nourishment express feelings and traits that our words cannot.